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Major Publishers All Around the World

 They can be searched in a variety of ways by author, title, and subject keywords.

  1. Addison Wesley
  2. Allyn & Bacon
  3. Arnold
  4. Bios Scientific
  5. Blackwell
  6. Brill
  7. Brooks & Cole
  8. Butterworth Heinemann
  9. Cambridge University
  10. Cass
  11. Cassell
  12. Chapman & Hall
  13. Chicago University
  14. Columbia University
  15. Curzon
  16. Dryden HBJ
  17. Duke University
  18. Edinburgh University
  19. Edward Elgar
  20. Elsevier
  21. Focal Press
  22. Garland
  23. Harcourt College/Academic Press
  24. Harcourt International
  25. Harper Collins
  26. Harvard University
  27. Heinemann
  28. Heinle & Heinle
  29. Hodder Stoughton
  30. Houghton Mifflin
  31. Hurst
  32. I. B. Tauris
  33. Indiana University
  34. International Thompson
  35. Irwin
  36. Jones & Barlett
  37. Kegan Paul
  38. Kluwer
  39. Kumarian
  40. Longman
  41. Mc Graw Hill
  42. MacMillan
  43. MIT
  44. National Academy Press
  45. New York University
  46. Norton
  47. Open University
  48. O'Reilly
  49. Oxford University
  50. Penguin
  51. Pentland Press
  52. Polity Press
  53. Prentice Hall
  54. Princeton University
  55. Que
  56. Routledge
  57. Sage
  58. Sams
  59. Springer
  60. Stanford University
  61. SUNY
  62. Sybex
  63. Taylor & Francis
  64. Texas A & M University
  65. Texas Tech University
  66. Thames & Hudson
  67. The Association of American University Press (AAUP)
  68. University of California
  69. University of Michigan
  70. University of Texas
  71. University of Washington
  72. Verso
  73. W H Freeman
  74. West
  75. Wiley
  76. Wordsworth
  77. World Bank
  78. Yale University

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